David Osu Ishaya

David Osu Ishaya (b. 1991) is an Afo native from Onda. His poetry appears in: Eureka Street, Atlas Poetica: A Journal of World Tanka, Birmingham Arts Journal, Vinyl Poetry, Chiron Review, RædLeaf Poetry: The African Diaspora Folio, A Thousand Voices Rising: An Anthology of Contemporary African Poetry, among others. David is a board member of the Babishai Niwe Poetry Foundation, and has been selected for the 2016 USA Callaloo Creative Writing Workshop. He is poetry editor for The James Franco Review, issue 7.

Issue #1

Issue #2

Issue #3

Issue #4

Issue #5

Issue #6

Issue #7

Issue #8

Issue #9

Issue #10

Issue #11

Issue #12


A Journal of International Poetry
All content is the property of the individual authors and artists

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